Solar Panels New Jersey : Buy your own Solar Panels
If you are a NJ or tristate resident, chances are you are paying way too much for your electricity. Ampericon can help you reduce your electric bill to almost ZERO .
Ampericon's 10 year Solar Purchase program will install solar panels on your roof for a low monthly payment. Your monthly payments for Solar are more than offset by savings on your Electric bill and the money your earn from SREC's. In fact, you end up earning money every month after going solar.
Join hundreds of NJ home owners who have gone solar and save money every month.
Solar PPA : This is also a zero cost option just like the fixed cost lease option described above. The difference is you dont pay a low fixed amount for the electricity every month as you do in a lease, rather you pay as much as the panels produce. Overall in a year you end up paying approximately the same amount through a lease or through a PPA. The warranty terms are the same for both the lease and the PPA. Like the lease, you will save 30% or more on their electric bill without making an investment. The period of the lease is normally 25 years while the period for the PPA is usually 20 years.
Purchase : You purchase and own the solar system. You take the benefits of federal tax credits (30% of system cost) and the solar renewable energy certificates (SREC's) and your electric bill reduces to almost zero. However you have the initial cost of the system to take care of. Typical pay back periods are between 8 to 10 years i.e. you will recover the money you spent on the Solar System through savings in the next 8 to 10 years.
Solar Mortgage : This is a solar system purchase option where you finance the purchase through a mortgage. This is an excellent option for buyers who are refinancing or going for a new home mortgage. The solar system results in savings from day one. Check out the solar mortgage page for more details.
PSE&G Solar Incentive : This requires a whole new page by itself.

Ampericon New Jersey - A Leading Solar Power Company that Provides Free Residential Lease PPA and Panel Installation to New Jersey Homeowners
Your home in New Jersey could be at the forefront of the green revolution with all its power requirements taken care of by the solar panels of your residential solar system. Lead the sustainable energy revolution and make a statement.
If you are one of the many New Jersey residents who are tired of the unending escalation in their electric bills – now may be the best time to reconsider that solar installation as it is free of charge. Ampericon’s professional installers can set up solar panels in your New Jersey home to reduce your electric bill by upto 30% without you spending a dime. Installing solar panels on your home is an effective cost-reduction measure as well as a great way to reduce your carbon footprint thus mitigating your contribution to global warming. Your residential solar system serves as a power generator that powers your home while still being connected to the electric grid. When your solar system produces more power, that goes to the grid and is stored in your account. When the panels produce less, you draw from your saved power with the grid. Ampericon provides solar panels on lease. Leasing solar panels lowers your electric costs without any upfront charge for installation. And you could enjoy the same fixed rate for your solar power for the next 20 or 25 years. The PPA installation for your solar panels is another option with zero down and it very similar to the lease.
Ampericon is amongst the most reliable Solar installers in New Jersey with a history of free solar installations for the last 7 years. Call us at 609 945 2591 for your Solar Lease, Solar PPA or Solar Panel Installation needs. Solar is for everyone on every type of budget. Solar allows you to generate and use your own electricity first while your electric company provides the rest. You can own the system and get the electricity for free or lease the system and pay monthly like you do today with your utility bill – only you’ll pay less.
We’re going solar and you can too!
Energy solution that gives your work more energy in various fields
Ampericon is a leading Solar Installer in New Jersey.Incorporated in 2006, this NJ Solar company has installed hundreds of solar systems for commercial and residential customers in the tri-state area.